Recruitment, Retention & Engagement

RRE is an important aspect of the remit of CGPC. It is led by Dr Gaj Sivadhas, with Michelle Kerrigan and Alison Lawton. We are working on a number of different projects.

Some key highlights are:

  • Completing an Occupational Health service for our primary care based clinicians. Currently anyone with a needlestick injury has to go to Guys and St Thomas’. We are working closely with CUH to provide a local service.
  • Establish strong relationships with the doctors training as GPs through the Croydon Vocational Training Scheme. We link with the Programme Directors, we run Croydon practice focussed session once a term. Bringing in local doctors to “tell my story”. We have also extended an invitation to the doctors to join the PLT, enabling them to get established within the Croydon GP community. The session booked on 26 April will cover Practice Finances and Collaborative working with ARRS.
  • As the ST3 doctors qualify we support them looking for Salaried Doctor roles in Croydon.  We are currently working with the group to determine whether a group for recently qualified GPs would be of benefit.
  • The Here to Stay programme is a programme for mid-career Salaried doctors. Events are run 6 times each year. In March an inspiring and engaging evening event was led by Dr Darren Tymens, discussing the future of general practice. It was attended by 23 doctors.

The next Here to Stay events are:

  • Managing Uncertainty Thursday 18 May, lunch 12.30, for 13.00 – 15.00 Led by Dr John Chan
  • Collaborative Working Thursday 13 July. 19.00 – 21.00 Led by Dr Gaj Sivadhas

To book a place please email

Nicola Lakic continues to lead the Training Nurse Associate (TNA) programme.

The first TNA in Croydon has now finished her foundation degree and is waiting for her PIN from the NMC.

We are in the process of recruiting another newly qualified NA. Initially small numbers, but it's a good start and positive that NAs from other areas have heard about the support in Croydon and would like to work here. We hope that these numbers will continue to grow and feed the nursing pipeline!

If you have any questions about the Croydon GP Collaborative, or you would like to know more about the services we offer, how to make a compliment or complaint, then you can do so via our contact us page.

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